October 25, 2022 @ 8:00 am - 10:00 am

8:00 – 10:00 AM (Central)
Project Scheduling
This session will improve an employee’s overall understanding of the different types of schedules used on construction projects, common terminology, and their respective importance:
Learn the fundamental types of schedules that exist and their respective benefits and shortfalls
Review how poor scheduling can impact labor productivity
Learn how to optimize your project using advanced scheduling tactics
About the Speaker:
Troy has a B.S. in Construction Management, an A.A.S. in HVAC and Refrigeration Design, and has worked in every facet of the business as a plumbing contractor for nearly 30 years. Through Aichele & Associates, LLC, he teaches national workshops focusing on project management, managing and forecasting labor, estimating, change orders, blueprint reading, and how to perform water audits. He is also a former MCAA Career Development Committee Chairman and was an adjunct professor at the University of Washington for 17 years.
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Registration is now closed for this event. Please contact Ali at 402.592.3330 for additional information.