March 4, 2020 - March 5, 2020 @ 7:00 am - 4:30 pm
Omaha Regency Marriott
10220 Regency Circle, Omaha, Ne, 68114
John Koontz will be delivering 8 days of valuable training to project manager and foremen teams between 2018 and 2021. The two 2020 sessions will be on March 4th & 5th.
Have a brand new project manager? How about a foreman with a few years under his belt? What about a seasoned project manager that could use a new spark to ignite some energy and confidence into their leadership role? SEND THEM! This series of 8 courses will be stand-alone in nature, but we suggest for seminar attendees to dive into all 8 days to get the ultimate Koontz training experience.
John Koontz has been teaching mechanical contractors for over 25 years. He was a tenured professor at Purdue University in the CM Department before joining with MCAA to teach at the Institute for Project Management & the Advanced Institute for Project Management, as well as a plethora of courses on the road at local MCAA chapters. John also spent 15 years as a mechanical contractor. MCA-Omaha is extremely lucky to have such a practical, knowledgeable, and popular presenter back in Omaha!
Event Timeline:
Wednesday, March 4th
7:00 AM – 7:30 AM Breakfast
7:30 AM – 11:30 AM Your Contract As A Tool
11:30 AM – 12:30 PM Optional Lunch
12:30 PM – 4:30 PM Effective Project Documentation
Thursday, March 5th
7:00 AM – 7:30 AM Breakfast
7:30 AM – 11:30 AM Mechanical Scheduling – Project Leader vs. Project Follower
11:30 AM – 12:30 PM Optional Lunch
12:30 PM – 4:30 PM Change Order Management – Best Practices for Success
Course Descriptions:
March 4th – Morning Session: Using the Contract as a Tool (4 hours)
Gain a basic understanding of contract types and components and learn how to use the contract to maximize profitability while managing a project. Learn skills to help know what the contract actually says and how to organize and manage the project accordingly. Covers: contract privity, government vs. private contracts, flow through clauses, incorporation by reference, liquidated damages, payment contingency clauses, contractor engineering liability, etc.
March 4th – Afternoon Session: Effective Project Documentation (4 hours)
The key to documentation is having the right amount and the right types, based upon the specific characteristics of the customer and the project. This course will review all the basic project documentation types and discuss the necessary steps to plan and implement the documentation process. Additionally, sometimes things don’t go as planned. Learn how to most effectively deliver bad news and how to properly document your company’s mistakes and missteps and why it’s so important to do it correctly.
March 5th – Morning Session: Mechanical Scheduling – Project Leader vs. Project Follower (4 hours)
Mechanical contractors who do little project scheduling often find themselves at the mercy of unrealistic CM/GC/Owners’ schedules that lack mechanical detail activities. This interactive class will address the importance of the PM and foreman’s deep involvement in producing the schedule, what happens when projects go sideways, and the relationship between the labor cost control system and the mechanical schedule.
March 5th – Afternoon Session: Change Order Management – Best Practices for Success (4 hours)
Successfully managing change orders on a complex and constantly changing project is a seasoned PM’s greatest challenge and a new or inexperienced PM’s greatest nightmare. If not well managed by a proactive and knowledgeable PM, change orders can cause unnecessary risk, destroy base contract labor productivity, and even ruin customer and contractor relationships. Learn best practices for successfully navigating this multi-faceted and complicated project management challenge with confidence.
Suggested Attendees:
Project Managers & Foremen
Register Below by February 26th.
Please contact Michele at 402.592.3330 with questions.
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Registration is now closed for this event. Please contact Ali at 402.592.3330 for additional information.