June 2, 2022 @ 8:00 am - 10:00 am
8:00 – 10:00 AM (Central)
Bluebeam: Mark Up List & Summary Template Options
Bluebeam can be an intimidating program for anyone to navigate. Throughout this webinar you will have a better understanding of markup lists and template options in Bluebeam. Specifically Christopher will review:
• A demonstration on how the Markups List utilizes markups made on a document
• Create customized columns and data to track and manage
• Learn about templates and create a summary of markups for easy tracking and submittal processes
If you want to know more about these processes in Bluebeam, this is the Webinar for you!
About the Speaker:
With years of experience building information modeling (BIM) and CAD, Chris consults directly with CADD Microsystems’ clients to help AEC professionals reach their goals through the use of Autodesk technology, by developing and delivering training and consulting services.
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