September 15, 2017 @ All Day
MCA-Omaha Leadership Academy Members are encouraged to “Bring a Friend” to a MCA-Omaha Company on Friday, September 15th. The company can either be the location of the student’s internship or their mentor’s company.
As a contractor, we hope that you will take an active roll in asking Academy Members if they have any friends who might be interested seeing what it’s like behind the scenes at your shop. You’re welcome to schedule the very informal visit whenever it works with your schedules that day. A quick 20-minute tour, a few introductions, and a brief explanation of the sort of things a mechanical contractor does would be perfect.
Our Academy Members will also be bringing these interested students to the Fall Outing that evening. Please take a minute to introduce yourself. You never know, a quick conversation about mechanical contracting could open their eyes to a whole new career path and potentially an enthusiastic new employee for you!
Questions? Contact Michele Hoffman at 402.592.3330
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