November 6, 2020 @ 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm

Do you feel the need for some wine? Take time to relax with us virtually and enjoy learning about five wines from the Leadership Academy students!
Each household will receive FIVE BOTTLES of wine, delivered to your workplace prior to the November 6th event.
The comfort of your home on Zoom.
6:00 – 7:30 PM
Register below by October 19th
Zoom login information will be e-mailed a few days prior to the event.
How do tickets work for a virtual wine tasting?
Instead of getting 5 small samples, you’re getting 5 full bottles per household (2 people). You’re also still welcome to buy a virtual table (10 people), which means a total of 25 bottles!
This isn’t at Champions Club. How do I get my wine?
Academy members will be delivering the wine to all companies with participants by 3PM on Thursday, November 5th to ensure everyone is able to individually pick it up prior to the event the next evening.
How do I log in?
Zoom login information will be sent to the e-mail addresses on the registration form / online. Please be sure to list an e-mail for EACH household, not just the main contact person.
Do I have to dress up to sit on my couch?
Since we are at home this year, you are welcome to wear whatever you please. Keep it classy.
What should we eat?
Suggested recipe ideas that will pair well with the wine selections will be e-mailed in advance, as well as printed and delivered with your wine bottles.
How will the auction work?
We will be utilizing the chat. To place a bid, type in your name and bid amount into the chat box. Our auctioneers will announce once an item is officially sold. We’ll arrange for your item to be delivered to you.
Who are the presenters this year?
Since the students can’t physically be there to pour the wine at your tables, we decided to turn them into your featured wine presenters this year!
Is there anything else different about the event that attendees should be aware of?
What’s not different in 2020? To start with, you don’t have to call an Uber since you’ll already be at home!
The virtual wine tasting will be different by nature, but the Academy students are also getting some national attention from MCAA for attempting to pull off a unique virtual student chapter fundraiser. MCAA National President, Brian Helm, will be logging in as our special guest!
Thank you for your continued and generous support of our student activities!
Additional questions?
Of course you have questions! Contact Michele ( at 402.305.8969 or Wine Tasting Committee Chair, Masen Dinklage (
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Registration is now closed for this event. Please contact Ali at 402.592.3330 for additional information.