event registration Mechanical Contractors Association
of Omaha
We are a professional association representing contractors of all sizes in mechanical construction. members forms resosurces Contact Us Events &
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welding pipe

About MCA-Omaha

MCA-Omaha members are engaged in such disciplines as plumbing, heating, ventilation, air conditioning, control systems, medical gases, welding, and servicing structures primarily within the industrial, commercial and institutional sectors.

MCA-Omaha provides its members with the following services:

  • Represents members in all labor relations matters including negotiations, grievances, apprenticeship training, and benefit plans;
  • Provides programs focused on professional education and networking;
  • Advocates for members before federal, state and local elected officials;
  • Communicates member interests to owners, general contractors, subcontractors, and others involved in construction.
  • Promotes the mechanical contracting industry through community service activities and providing career education and opportunities for high school and university students.

Our Events

MCA-Omaha provides industry specific educational seminars, topical monthly meetings and a variety of social functions including an annual golf outing, holiday party and fall outing.

What We Do

professional development

Professional Development

Provide high-quality educational materials and programs to attain the highest level of managerial and technical expertise.

industry relations

Labor Relations

Cooperate with labor partners to train workforce and advance the industry.


Government Relations

Advocate for members before state, local, and federally elected officials.

industry outreach

Industry Outreach

Promote our industry with construction associations, educational institutions, and community organizations focused on workforce training.

Find a Contractor

Browse our searchable list of outstanding Members and Associate Members to find a qualified company that meets your project needs.
Membership Directory

MCA-Omaha Leadership Academy

The MCA-Omaha Leadership Academy is a multi-campus student organization under the guidance of MCA-Omaha. The mission is to expose qualified students to career opportunities in the local mechanical contracting industry.

Membership is by application only. Students apply and interview each fall with the membership selection board. Term runs January – December and all members must reapply each year.

Mentor Program

Students are paired with a one-on-one contractor Mentor.

Internship Day

100% of our members have been matched for summer internships.

Committee Participation

Each student serves on committees with fellow students and contractor advisors


Academy Members have several opportunities to earn educational scholarships.

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